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How to Manifest Your Highest Self with The Astral Planner


“I do not believe that any of us have dreams that were given to us for the purpose of not accomplishing those particular dreams. I don't know what that dream is that you have. I don't care how far-fetched it might appear to be. I don't care how disappointing it might have been as you've been working toward that dream but here is what I know...that dream that you're holding in your mind...that it's possible.”  - Les Brown


Think about your dream right now. If you could do anything, become anything, create anything, or accomplish anything in your life, what would it be? During a commencement speech, actor Jim Carry shared that “so many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach so we never dare to ask the Universe for it.”

How does one begin to live up to their potential? Born from admiration and curiosity towards the stars, The Astral Planner embodies the idea of striving to achieve the seemingly unreachable. Knowing that we can always become more by learning to develop ourselves. How can we tap into the power of our thoughts and reframe our daily habits that brings us closer to our Highest Self? 

“There’s a fundamental reason why we look at the sky with wonder and longing - for the same reason that we stand, hour after hour, gazing at the distant swell of the open. There is an ancient wisdom encoded and tucked away in our DNA that knows its point of origin.” - Unknown


In its most basic form, manifestation means making something a reality in our physical world through thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.  Though manifestation's origins are in religion, manifestation also stems from the Law of Attraction, which is rooted in astrology, tarot, and numerology. The term, “Law of Attraction”, first appeared in print in 1877 in a book written by the Russian occultist, Helena Blavatsky. The term was used within a supernatural context, alluding to a divine power that existed but that we cannot see. It wasn’t until the 20th century when the concept of Law of Attraction saw a surge in interest with many books written on the topic. One of them being “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay published in 1984. I discovered this book back in 2015 and whole-heartedly recommend it.  It is a positive read that breaks down the power of our mind and thoughts. It is also what first introduced me to affirmations. 

When we focus our thoughts towards achieving something that we want - whether for ourselves, our family, or for society - our mental energy aligns with our actions, nurturing our ideas into reality. It’s important to note that your thoughts become your words and through your words you wield the creative power within you to manifest your reality. If you are constantly being negative, acting out of fear, or listening to self-doubt, then your circumstances will reflect this energy through the experience you come across. Shamanic teacher, Don Miguel Ruiz said, “You word is the gift that comes directly from [the Universe].” Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. And your actions manifest your reality. Our mindset affects our behavior with ourselves, the people around us and our everyday choices. Simply put, our thoughts hold the power of creation. 


The positive or negative energy you attach to your thoughts is what will end up creating your reality, so begin by creating awareness of any unhealthy thinking patterns or triggering emotions. If the thoughts serve your highest good, continue to water them. Get clear on what you want to curate into your life and write it down in the Goals & Resolutions or Notes section in The Astral Planner. Reflect on the kind of life you want to live? What kind of people or experiences do you want to be surrounded by? What do you want your home to look and feel like? What kind of relationships do you want to have with your significant other, friends, or family? What do you envision yourself doing for a living? As long as we can imagine it in our mind, then it is possible to achieve it in real life. Get creative, solve one problem at a time, and utilize all the resources that are available to us to make your dreams happen. Whatever our spiritual orientation, there is a Higher Power at play. These “visions” or “ideas” or “dreams'' were given to you for a reason. You are the only vessel through which that idea can be brought to life.

“The wealthiest place on the planet is the graveyard. Because in the graveyard we will find inventions that we were never exposed to. Ideas and dreams that never became a reality. Hopes and aspirations that were never action upon. In the graveyard, you will find the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.” - Les Brown


In our busy modern lives, it’s easy to become disconnected to nature. However, as humans we need nature to not only survive as a species but also to thrive mentally and spiritually. There is a reason why all relaxation-focused content features 4k videography of scenic, natural landscapes or anxiety-reducing soundtracks featuring bird songs. There have been numerous studies that have proven that looking at nature (even if just virtually) is clinically proven to decrease cortisol (your fight or flight hormone), activate the parasympathetic nervous system, and provide a natural dopamine boost.

Staying in tune with the Earth, its changing seasons, and the natural cycles of the celestial bodies in our solar system, roots us in the now and achieves a feeling of wonder and gratitude. Life is so incredibly complicated, yet beautiful. It’s a miracle to even wake up when so many others’ time was abruptly cut short. Create more presence in your life by:

  • Utilizing the Monthly Overview pages at the start of each month to track the cycles of the lunar phases, equinoxes, zodiac houses, moon signs, and solstices. 

  • Referencing the Important Celestial and Environmental Dates section at the back of your planner to stay in tune with the natural cycles in the Cosmos and on Earth.

  • Advance deeper into understanding of one self by learning about the Moon’s regular waxing and waning rhythm in the Understanding the Moon Phases section. In astrology, the Moon represents reflection, just as it reflects the Sun’s light. 

  • Learn to invoke a specific planet’s vibrational energy to understand the energy of each day of the week in Planet Origins of the Days of the Week section in your Executive Daily Planner.


According to Yogapedia, the “Higher Self” is also known as the “transcendental Self, or Purusha, in Sanskrit. It is considered the Divine Self and part of the Cosmic Consciousness by some. Yogis seek to unite the lower self (ego) and higher Self through their spiritual practice, creating balance and oneness within.”

Rituals are a way for us to resolve stress or anxiousness and nurture our souls with joy. By attaching intention to a routine that is meaningful to us it becomes a ritual. Having never been much of a morning person, developing a routine that I genuinely look forward to has made a big difference in the type of mood I begin my day with. It took me a few tries to figure out what provides me the most benefit in the time before I have to leave for work but it is satisfying in itself when I get to check off my morning and evening rituals in my Executive Daily Planner. I also make slight modifications depending on the season to stay in tune with Earth.

Establish your own self care rituals by utilizing the Morning and Evening Routine sections on the daily pages in your Executive Daily Planner. Identify areas in your life that could use some attention by turning The Astral Planner into your own personal sanctuary. Make filling out your goal pages, daily rituals, updating your finances, or journaling in your Astral Planner a self-care ritual in its own right. 

I hope that this overview of manifestation, the Law of Attraction, and how to create self-care rituals help you manifest not only your dream life, but your most authentic one where you are living out your purpose. What do you want to manifest this year? Let us know in the comments below!