Discover the language of the Cosmos to illuminate the destiny within.
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The Connection Between the Stars, the Seasons, and the Human Spirit


“There is beauty to be found in the changing of the Earth’s seasons, and an inner grace in honoring the cycles of life.” — Jack Kornfield

the beauty of Seasonal Living

Seasonal living empowers us with awareness that everything in our world exists cyclically. The death of one phase is followed by the rebirth of another in perfect harmony. Our lives are a journey. We see this in the human lifecycle, the menstrual cycle, the moon phases, in each sunrise and sunset, the cosmic dances of stars and planets through our galaxy, and of course in the four main seasons on Earth: the hope of spring, the abundance of summer, the harvest of autumn, and the alabaster wonder of winter.

These sacred cycles intertwine to form an absolute thread of our existence and without them, Earth would not be able to sustain life as we know it. Discerning the connection between humanity, the stars, and the natural world around us is not a new phenomenon. In fact, ancient civilizations honored these rhythms in order to evolve spiritually, intellectually, and civilizationally. But it may seem extraneous in a modern world that prioritizes productivity culture over rest, impulse over mindfulness, capitalism over necessity, and bottom line over ethics and sustainability. 

The truth is that many of us have become disconnected from the natural world because of our onerous lifestyle and the conventionalities we have been indoctrinated to accept as normal. Our office workplaces, artificial lighting, our car, our dependability on smart devices to achieve escapism or connection, and the advances of virtual reality all aim to create artificial environments in which we can conveniently forget the fresh smell of grass in the morning rain, the grandiose sight of a whale in the ocean, the twilight song of a bird, the tranquility of forests, or what a gentle breeze feels like. The less we interact with the natural world, the easier it is to disregard the importance of it. 

Seasonal living offers a way to rekindle our relationship with nature. In the process, we can uncover the peace and stillness that comes from living simply, mindfully, and in perfect alignment with Earth, the Cosmos, and the beating drum of our soul’s essence.

So, where do we begin?

Your Guide to the ENERGIES of EARTH’S Seasons

To live seasonally is to live intentionally and purposefully, within reason - not excess - and conjure the strength to surrender to life’s inevitable changes as they come. It is the ultimate tool for personal, professional, and spiritual evolution. The Earth is not meant to sustain 365 days of the same season. Nor are we meant to live in a constant state throughout our life. All life on Earth requires phases of contraction and expansion, rest and action, destruction and creation, death and birth.

Seasonal living is the art of honoring the present, accepting the circumstances, having grace to let go when it’s time, and harnessing innate resilience to rise like the phoenix through adversity. This is symbolic of our human experience - pain, rejection, loss, perseverance, awakening, determination, fulfillment, and enlightenment. When we resist the inner tuggings of destiny in our life, either consciously or subconsciously, we create disharmony on all levels of our being - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

The Earth takes her breaths in a cyclical rhythm through the four seasons, mirroring our own lives. When we align with this flow, we awaken an ancient wisdom tucked away in our DNA deep within. 

Spring is like the morning light that marks the beginning of a new day — a transformative, life-giving season that corresponds to regeneration, light, and rebirth. The energy of Spring is reminiscent of the Waxing Moon, symbolic of a hopeful inhale anticipating growth and adventure. Plant new seeds of opportunity and faith, and embrace the awakening of your heart and spirit.

Summer aligns with the afternoon and sits at the height of progress, illuminating our will power, strength, and vitality. Summer carries the energy akin to the Full Moon, a time of completion and abundance. Relish in your hard work, embody the energy of joy and play, and feel an ease and happiness.

Autumn ebbs with sunset’s hours, and allows us to slow down our pace, reflect and contemplate, and sit with the bounty we’ve grown thus far. The energy of Autumn is like the Waning Moon, a time of reflection. This period of transition is a time of contemplation and enlightenment of what we’ve accomplished already.

Winter is symptomatic of the night sky, retreat and endings, and a time for reconnecting with our intuition to overcome the darkness that exists within and without. Analogous with the New Moon phase, the energy of Winter is a time of stillness, rest, and rejuvenation. The cold washes over the activity of human, animal,  and plant life, and is a time when all life relies on preparation and internal resources to break through trials and tribulations. 


Before access to astrology became available to anyone who sought its guidance,  it was restricted to a select few who had the financial means and connections to a personal astrologer to track and decipher the cosmic conversations in accordance to an individual’s natal chart, which would provide a map of clues to that individual’s mission and what lessons they might come across.

Before you hesitate at the concept of seemingly signing over your fate to the constellations above, remember that these ancient practices only illuminate the connections and patterns that already exist in your life — just in a new light. Modern astrology puts our temporary experiences within the context of the vast Universe, heightening our awareness and freeing our consciousness from the daily mundane.

Today, we can integrate the ancient art of studying the stars to the practical alignment of our daily routines to achieve a balance between activity and rest, magic and science, and purpose and peace. The Universe is more vast and intelligent than we could ever dream of conceiving but we all have a place in it. The Astral Planner illuminates our starlit destinies and brings awareness to the boundless cosmic energies and into the context of our day-to-day existence and individual lifestyle.

“The soul of the newly born baby is marked for life by the pattern of the stars at the moment it comes into the world, unconsciously remembers it, and remains sensitive to the return of configurations of a similar kind.” — Johannes Kepler



  • Nourish your body with ingredient-driven meals featuring seasonal fruits and vegetables.

  • Re-align your daily routine to reflect the daylight shifts and ease into seasonal sleep patterns.

  • Incorporate seasonal activities into your daily movement.

  • Practice stillness through meditation upon waking and before sleep.

  • Rejuvenate your muscles by performing daily stretching exercises with intention. Elevate daily stretching into a meditation practice by pairing it with mindful breath work.


  • Practice self reflection regularly by journaling and creating monthly affirmations for each season.

  • Do a social media cleanse - unfollow and mute accounts that drain you and make you feel negative. Follow accounts that inspire, educate, motivate, encourage, or provide escapism.

  • Create a seasonal playlist (or subscribe to our Newsletter to be notified when we release free community resources, such as seasonal playlists.)

  • Write a seasonal bucket list of activities that will bring you joy.

  • Using sensory awareness, list your top ten favorite aspects of the current season.

  • Make a seasonal book list and borrow from your local library.

  • Be your number one supporter and speak to yourself only with kindness, patience, and compassion.

  • Invest in your personal development by learning one new skill, listening to motivational podcasts, or reading books of people whose achievements you admire.


  • Check in with yourself often through seasonal shifts by journaling or through a solitary moment of reflection.

  • Review your goals quarterly and celebrate the daily wins, no matter how small they may seem.

  • Honor needs celebration, rest, boundaries, and fun.

  • Plan times to connect with loved ones, friends, or industry peers in real-life away from a screen.

  • Volunteer for a cause that is close to your heart - donate your time to an animal shelter, a homeless shelter, etc.

  • Compliment a stranger and if you have the means, offer to pay for their coffee.


  • Deep clean your home to release stagnant energy.

  • Declutter living space and donate unused objects with gratitude.

  • Refresh your home with natural seasonal scents.

  • Invite clarity and calm into your home by organizing your belongings, inclusive of paperwork.

  • Store away seasonal decor in a beautiful and organized manner.

  • Take note of where and when natural seasonal light enters your space.

  • Fill your home with your favorite scent of the season - balsam candle for winter, lavender for spring, a spicy and woody scent for fall, and fresh cotton for summer.

The Stars, The Seasons, & You

Ultimately, your journey with seasonal living may be as unique as your celestial blueprint. While the broader understanding of the seasons and how they align with our lives is universal, seasonal living is just as much about connecting with ourselves as it is connecting with the seasons.

What do the seasons and the stars above mean to you? And where do they naturally intermingle into the rhythm of your life?