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Meditation: Remembering Your Purpose through Life's Challenges


Life is full of challenges — but with a shift in perception we can discover our purpose hidden within these experiences. Achieving a more enlightened perspective gives us power over challenging circumstances. Expanding our perception of Reality, transforms our inner dialogue to one that is free of anxiety and worry.

Using the art and science of meditation, we can learn to work with life’s common challenges, such as loneliness, lack of “success,” forgiveness, uncertainty, and fear. Through this practice, we can hone our self-awareness and, as a result, become an active participant in how our life unfolds around us.

The goal is not to live a challenge-free life. Rather, life’s challenges reveal the wounded places that are within us that need to be healed and, ultimately, transformed to a level of higher consciousness. Through the art of meditation we can learn to raise our inner awareness to tap into true, powerful contentment and learn how to create unshakable inner peace that is not disturbed by outside forces. It’s about awakening to your truth - “Who you are, where you are, what you are, when you are, why you are”. And in that discovery, you’ll never be defeated by life’s challenges again.

In no way, shape, or form are we here to seek an escape from our challenges. After all, Spiritual Teacher, Michael Beckwith, explains:

“One of the first things I want to remind you is that you chose this human incarnation. You weren’t pushed into this expression. You actually chose to be here. And in choosing to be here in this time in human history, you brought everything necessary within you, to make a difference on this planet - to allow your giftedness, to allow the capacity of the energy within you, to be expressed, to come forward. The Universe, which is our picturing of the mind of infinite presence, by whatever name you choose to call it - it’s progressive, it’s always moving forward, it’s always expanding, and what we seek to do is to get in tune with our own progressive nature, so that our infinite capacity for intelligence, love, peace, harmony, abundance, and joy gets to be expressed in an ever increasing way. The dreams you have in your heart and soul to express, those are alarm clocks waking you up to your potential. We are not here to live a challenge free life. The challenges that come before us are there to wake us up to the latent potential that is within us. Oftentimes, we need a challenge in order to get activated. Challenges arise to remind you that your potential is always bigger than the problem you are facing.” - Michael Beckwith

Meditation, by tradition, is “a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.” Additionally, many studies have proven that meditation has numerous physiological benefits. In one specific study done by Harvard University, the researchers determined that a simple practice like meditation could rebuild the grey matter of the brain in as little as eight weeks. Gray matter is responsible for the primary thinking, perceiving, and cognitive functions of the brain, which helps us process information.

Physiologically and spiritually, meditation teaches us to develop an “un-distractable” attention to Reality, the presence that is never in absence (whatever name you want to call this - God, Universe, etc.) and not the relative reality. In other words, most people don’t experience Reality, they experience their thoughts about Reality, according to Beckwith. 

Meditation gives us an opportunity to change our internal dialogue so that it matches our soul print, or our purpose for being on this planet. When we do this, we have a direct encounter with the cosmos and life itself. 

I had my own come-to-truth, awakening many years ago, which inspired me to curate a spiritually purposeful life for myself. This life experience served to be the catalyst for my idea for The Astral Planner and a business concept was born.  

The mainstream concept of meditation, of sitting in silence for a period of time, may not be the best technique for everyone and can therefore discourage some people from trying meditation. Fortunately, there are countless variations to this ancient practice, that can help you achieve a meditative effect without requiring you to stay still and focus on your breath. In fact, hobbies that require any focus or repetitive motions can be just as relaxing and give you the same positive effects, and they'll likely feel more attainable to you.

If sitting still in silence doesn’t work for you, consider trying these 4 activities that can also achieve a meditative state.


    Based on the concept of Jon Kabat-Zinn, a mindfulness expert, the idea behind the practice is to walk silently and with a sense of deep contemplation. A walking meditation involves very deliberate thinking and doing a series of actions that you usually do automatically. Similarly, world-renowned meditation teacher Thich Nhat Hanh says, “A walking meditation can be done mostly anywhere, anytime, even for just a couple of minutes. Bring all your attention to the soles of your feet as they touch the ground and walk as if the soles of your feet are kissing the Earth.”


    The sound focus meditation involves listening to some bell or tone, like a Tibetan singing bowl. Sit or lay comfortably with your eyes closed. Listen to the bell or the tone, breathe quietly, and listen intently, especially as the sound fades away. This exercise is especially a good way to help enhance your focus and concentration abilities. 


    This is an excellent opportunity to monotask, which means to do one thing at a time. We live in a modern world with plenty of digital distractions, alerts, and multi-tasking has become a natural way of life for many of us. Performing this activity in silence with full focus, gives your brain a break and also strengthens your attention span. 


    Most people wouldn’t think of this as meditation but in actuality, it fits into a specific type of meditation. It can also be done anywhere. For example, focusing on a single object can consist of watching a tree sway in the breeze, the flame of a candle move about, or water coming out of a fountain. Please note, focusing on a television screen achieves no meditative benefits.

As you can see, there are several tools and methods to start a simple meditation practice. Meditation doesn’t have to be complicated, and it can be as simple as taking a mindful walk. The best method of incorporating meditation into your wellness routine is commit to a daily time block to center your thoughts and focus your awareness. The more you practice meditation techniques, the more you will allow life’s cosmic energy to flow through you.


 The power of affirmative meditation - the art and science of it - can be used to create major positive and lasting changes in all areas of your life. Sign up with your best email address below and our FREE Meditation Ritual Tracker will become available for immediate download!

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