Discover the language of the Cosmos to illuminate the destiny within.
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A Closer Look at The Astral Planner 2023 Collection


Hello, 2023!

It’s that time of year again when our 2023 collection becomes available for pre-order and we go over all the new details, features, upcoming product arrivals, and inspiration behind the collection! 2023 will not only bring the third edition of The Astral Planner but also our very first journal collection. It’s an exciting and fulfilling time for myself as an independent artist and small business owner because I get to witness my designs come to life and welcomed into your hearts and lives (thank you!). So, let’s dive in!


As mentioned, this will be the third edition of The Astral Planner so it was time to revisit the overall aesthetic and see where it could be modernized. Sometimes all that is needed is a little tweak here and there. The rounded corners have been transformed into clean, sharp edges and the font refreshed with new, easier to read typography subtle changes that made a transformative impact.

I am also delighted to reveal that we have expanded our planner color range! In addition to our Classic Black premium linen hardcover with gold foil accents, The Astral Planner will be available in a beautiful and calming Dove Grey linen hardcover with bronze foil accents. The Dove Grey colorway will be available on a very limited edition basis as we test this new cover for 2023.

Both planners have been constructed with functional additions including an elastic band closure, two ribbon bookmarks to mark the pages you need to access quickly, and a durable pocket folder in the back to store notes, receipts, business cards, and anything else you wish to keep near.

Lastly, we are proud to share that The Astral Planner (and our journals) are officially printed with Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified paper stock. FSC certification means materials are harvested and manufactured in a sustainable manner from responsibly managed forests, meeting the highest environmental and social standards. In order for a business to qualify for this certification, the products must be sent to the FSC for inspection and review. It’s a lengthy process that can delay production for several weeks. If approved, FSC extends the stamp of approval via a unique serial number to be utilized within the approved product. The Astral Planner features its FSC certificate on the copyright page and our journals feature theirs on the very last page.


In addition to everything featured in the 2022 Edition, we have made thoughtful improvements throughout and are introducing some incredible new additions for 2023! As you may know, in addition to educational content on ancient esoteric studies like astrology, numerology, angel numbers, moon phases, eclipses, etc. The Astral Planner offers over forty functional, modern planning features to help you navigate life, work, and passionate pursuits through an interconnected lens. The overall flow of The Astral Planner is organized into four distinct themes. They are Looking Within & Ahead, Astrology, Numerology, and Daily Planning & Life Organization.

Within the Looking Within & Ahead, you will find the new “Self-Care Habits and Practices” an introspective planning section to help you establish rituals, boundaries, and sacred personal time to rest, rejuvenate, and reflect. It's much harder to pursue our goals and attain our aspirations in life when we are physically, mentally, and emotionally depleted. Think about what self-care habits you would like to implement into your daily, weekly, or monthly routine to ensure your body, mind, and emotional well-being have the resilience and energy needed for what you are striving to achieve.

In honor of our mantra, “One with the Stars, One with the Earth” this new section is near and dear to our mission. What originally started out as a blog post has become its own planning section in its own right. “The Connection between the Stars, the Seasons, and the Human Spirit” reinforces our mission to strengthen humanity’s connection to the natural cycles of Earth and the Cosmos. Seasonal living empowers us with awareness that everything in our world exists cyclically. The death of one phase is followed by the rebirth of another in perfect harmony. Our lives are a journey. We see this in the human lifecycle, the moon phases, in each sunrise and sunset, the cosmic dances of stars and planets through our galaxy, and of course in the four main seasons on Earth: the hope of spring, the abundance of summer, the harvest of autumn, and the alabaster wonder of winter. Use this section to create a seasonal list of adventures and activities that will bring you joy and help you to reconnect with nature.

Within the Astrology section, we are delighted to introduce “Mapping the Universe Within” a detailed guide on astrological natal charts and how to read your very own birth chart! Who are we? Where do we come from? What is our purpose? Humanity has been attempting to answer these questions since the beginning of time . . . through science, religion, evolution, spirituality, and the metaphysical arts. As you will come to learn, the positions of the various planets and stars in our sky may present some answers to these questions.

In addition to the above new sections, the following classic sections have been updated with new features, inclusive of professionally reviewed and edited copy.

  • Our “Life Assessment” and “Goal and Intentions” pages now have an accompanying playlist, which you can access directly through the planner via a QR code. The purpose of this was to provide additional motivation and support when goal planning through empowering music and a roster of motivational speakers.

  • Our “Astrological Reference Guide” has been updated with new data to make astrological symbols and glyphs even easier to understand and now spans two full pages.

  • “Moon Phases and Themes” now features scientific and spiritual information on Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

  • The 2023 monthly “Finance and Budget Tracker” pages now feature financial tips to help you reduce overall stress and mystery around money.

  • We won’t reveal what’s on the very LAST page of the planner but if you are a planner purchaser, please do let us know if this is something you would like to see moving forward!


Showing a day per page for the weekdays (Saturday & Sunday combined), this is the place to plan and organize your life! The Astral Planner daily pages have been intentionally designed to encourage sustainable productivity and passionate pursuits, without neglecting quality rest and self-care, wholesome nutrition, daily movement, self-development and exploration, alongside heightening our awareness to cosmic conversations (astrology) and cosmic guidance through synchronicity signs (numerology) that are all around us.

On the left side of each daily page, you will find a timetable from 6 am to midnight to help you manage your schedule and structure your day. Use this section to plan meetings, calls, appointments, events, and social media posting times, or designate time blocks for deep work and focus! Tip from the Founder: On appointment-free days, utilize the agenda on the left as a to-do list to strategically move the needle on your projects, tasks, and goals! A new detail for 2023, each Monday now features a space for your weekly goal, focus, or affirmation. TuesdayFriday will continue with the classic Top Priorities section with checkboxes for Self, Home, Family, Work, Social, and Financial.


The Cosmos Journal is the newest addition to The Astral Planner product line and is available in two cover options Starlit Affirmations and Celestial Realm. As an extension of The Astral Planner mission, The Cosmos Journal is for creators, dreamers, writers, designers, artists, entrepreneurs, and space lovers and is the perfect canvas to house your thoughts, notes, lists, daily gratitude, shadow work, inspiring quotes, ideas, creative brainstorms and anything else that encourages your imagination to roam free.

The Starlit Affirmations Edition was inspired by my affinity for minimalism, dainty design, and the beauty of the night sky with the intention to deliver the an elegant, understated instrument of the pen to paper art. The abstract, minimal typography has been ambiguously placed to imitate a constellation configuration and is centered around a star, symbolic of the sun in our solar system. The finishing touch includes accents of a hollow and a filled-in circle, both representative of the New and Full Moon present in The Astral Planner logo.

Special details include a luxurious satin cover with gold foil, lined FSC certified acid-free paper, soy ink, a ribbon bookmark, and features the phrase “thoughts, aspirations, hopes, dreams, ideas . . . from the stars."

Imagined from my love for minimal design and the beauty of the night sky, the Celestial Realm Edition features a woven, metallic cloth with shimmering, pearl thread—the Celestial Realm Edition will encourage, motivate, and inspire you to put pen to paper and embark on a journaling adventure through your own internal universe.

Details include a luxurious, glistening cloth with gold foil, lined FSC certified acid-free paper, soy ink, and a ribbon bookmark.


Pre-orders are closing soon! For a limited time, receive a free 6.5oz Palo Santo candle with your planner purchase. (While supplies last).